30 Day Burpee Challenge – Sort of

I started the burpee challenge last week, why? just because. I wanted to incorporate another form of exercise and burpees are supposed to be one of the best exercises for your body. They work both upper and lower body muscles and strengthen your core.

What I didn’t realize is that after 15 burpees, you really do run out of breath! I knew my body would get tired and my muscles would ache (which I also thought would be after 35) but the breathing part I definitely underestimated.

So now I’m on day 10 and should be up to 35 burpees, but in reality I’m stuck on 25. And you know what, I’m ok with that!

So it might take me 40-45 days days to complete, hell it might take me 60 days to get to 100 burpees, but I will get there and it will be a new accomplishment.

The other day I split up my 25 and did 17 in one sitting and 9 in another, so actually I’ve hit 26. My husband says, I’m cheating and it should be all at once, and I said “says who?” The chart doesn’t say that it has to be one sitting, it says each day. I read a couple of blogs about it and one girl said if you need to break it up to fit your schedule then go for it.

From that moment on, I decided I’m not putting on the pressure to hit each number because of a chart. I will listen to my body and do what’s best for me. Yes I will push my limits but I will not over work my muscles for the sake of a chart. I will get there and I will continue each day and each day maybe it’s only 1 more but the point is…

I am doing it.

I will accomplish it.

And it may not be 30 days – but it’s better than nothing.

I am doing it for me and I am my own judge.


30 day challenge

Local Music Festival


The last two weeks I took my kids to a local music festival. Last week was bluegrass, folk – not really my type of music but I had a great time. The first band’s set was a godly and short, then the next band came on, it was classic rock mixed with original songs that had more of a Lumineers flare. The kids had free popsicles, I had a beer, and then went out and danced with my daughter. All she talked about for the rest of the night and the next day was how much fun she had (the boy – not so much).

The best part, my daughter is very shy about dancing in front of people, I’ve told her the cliche over and over “dance like no one is watching” and that night she did. I was proud, we were the only ones out there and before I knew it, about 4 other young girls came out and started to dance.

wpid-20140819_201510.jpgThis week we went back with some friends. It was the last music festival for the summer. The music was jazz and blues – (Amen). Again we had a great time, and danced. The kids ran around without a care in the world, other kids were riding scooters and it felt like a celebration of the last days of summer before school – it pretty much was.

There’s something very uplifting about good music. Even if I’m melancholy, when I’m outside and there’s music playing, I forget about all that negative puissance. My mind and body quickly fill with positive energy – bobbing my head, dancing, singing along, tapping my foot and LAUGHING!

These are the memories I want to have forever. Next summer, I’m going to look out for more of these concerts in the park!

Printable Packing List

I am getting excited to go on a mini vaca to the beach – my favorite! When it comes to traveling, I’ve always been a list maker – Packing list, grocery list, etc…

Before all these wonderful apps and the internet, I would actually write it out 😮

But now, I just find one that fits my needs and hit print! 🙂

Here’s one that tailored to my needs, maybe you’ll like it too!

Packing List via Hellocuteness